Product features vs customer solutions
"The best products solve a problem, simplify a task or bring joy." Jony Ive, former Chief Design Officer at Apple Inc.
The natural tendency from enthusiast engineers is to create a long list of features as a way to convince buyers that they will get their money back while purchasing a product or a service.
This is forgetting that the goal of product management is to create and bring to market products that deliver value to customers and generate revenue for the organisation.
In their constant chase of balancing customer needs and business objectives, product managers should focus in meeting customer needs while making constant trade-offs such as prioritizing which features to include in a product or how to allocate resources.
Keeping up with market changes is another challenge as markets are constantly evolving, and product managers must stay on top of changing trends and adjust their strategies accordingly.
So the good old principle of « less is more » fully applies here and being able to define and even anticipate what customer really wants is the only judge of truth.